Friday, July 1, 2011

2020 Forecast Podcast. Listen to it here.


  1. Hi Ebey!

    I enjoyed listening to your Podcast - the music totally enhanced the experience! :)

    I agree with you on many of your ideas for the future: more technology in the classroom (iTouches, iPads, etc.), more collaboration between teachers, etc...

    I also thought it was interesting how you stated that despite the advancements in technology, you still envision your classroom in 2020 as you would today. I think that's cool because there are many aspects to teaching in this moment that should not be lost or changed. For instance, we are really focused on building relationships between teachers and students and teachers and families, and it is important that those aspects of teaching/education do NOT change!

    I hope you and I are in touch in the year 2020 so that I can visit you in your classroom! :)


  2. Hey Ebey!

    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast! Like Brooke mentioned, I like how you said that the classroom you envision for 2020 doesn't look too drastically different from the classrooms we see today. I think that sometimes people get too caught up in the latest and greatest thing, whether it be technology or whatever, and they lose sight of the things that are still important and still functioning well in the classroom. That being said, technology is still so important and it sounds like it will have a prominent place in your future classroom. One other thing that I loved about your podcast was that it mentioned the importance of teacher collaboration. I think that is really important and I am glad you touched on that. I wish you the best of luck in hopefully creating a classroom that will look like the one you described, hopefully sometime in the near future :)

